Friday, May 15, 2020

Case Study Report - 1321 Words

Case Study Report Introduction This case is about Zenova s project team, Ryan Douglas is a manager who works at a multinational company called Zenova which makes health and beauty products. Four months ago, Ryan led his project team which integrated 16 members come from 5 different countries was ordered to perform a significant survey about job satisfaction of employees in all the subsidiaries and completed in 18 months. However, there are some problems about Ryan s team and how to deal with inefficient work, such as low morale among team members and slow project development. Therefore, the company intends to replace Ryan and choose a suitable person to replace his position, either Elliot Smith or Silvia Adams. In this case study†¦show more content†¦Chang and Tharenou (2004, p. 68) state that it is essential for a manager to pays more energy to the commonalities and respect differences which and between employees. Ryan s personal style is too emotion and he is easy to get angry for subordinates. It will lead low morale of employees and lose self-confident. Furthermore, he has not enough patiences to treat team members and dose not friendly with his subordinates (Cotton, Falvey and Kent 2006). Because a good manager should provide a steady work environment for subordinates what is patient, pacific and harmonious (Chang and Tharenou 2004, p. 68ï ¼â€° Possible solution and evaluation One solution is that the management of Zenova decides Elliot Smith who has been working at Zenova in Germany with staff for a year to replace Ryan Douglas as the project manager. He uses directing style, but he tries to adapt his management style and multinational staff. In multicultural group, a good manager need to adapt their management style when team member want to express their cultural differences about decision-making, communication and teamwork (Brett, Behfar and Kern 2006, p. 88). In addition, Elliot also gives staff clear goals and tells staff deadlines. Both Horsley (2000, p. 5) and Hickey (2005, p. 28) state that manager should build a effective system what can motivate staff and promote completion of the goals. Nonetheless, sometimes Elliot lack of patience on theShow MoreRelatedStudy Case Report1106 Words   |  5 PagesStructure 5 3.2 Management and Leadership Style 5 3.3 Marketing and Promotion 5 3.4 Programs and Training 5 4. Conclusion 5 5. Recommendations and Implementation 6 6. References (optional) 6 Executive Summary The purpose of this report was to investigate a student sport club at a private university in Jakarta, which is called Badminton at BINUS University. Badminton is a non-profit Sport organization for undergraduate and graduate students of any major studying at BINUS UniversityRead MoreCase Study Report1971 Words   |  8 Pagesmoved tables because she was uncomfortable. 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